No, but we've already been in discussions with leading Australasian codes. The prototype has been tested by WSP wind engineers over 4 weeks, then looked at extensively by tensile fabric engineers as well as Americas Cup designers. Live site testing will occur in late December 2022 to complete the design process in order to be ready for installation.
The fabric with sewn-in dyneema ropes will take approximately 2 weeks to manufacture. The alloy parts 2 weeks. The hydraulics of course ordered in that timeframe as well. Therefore, to be sent by air or sea freight, the time is up to 2-3 months. Alternatively, we can source local manufacturers to speed up the process overseas.
Yes, the stadium groundstaff will be fully briefed and will also be given Parker Hydraulics details to contact their representative at any time. The groundstaff will also be given a safety-rated users manual.
This will be carried out annually by Parker Hydraulics at minimal cost to the stadium.
Normally 4 - 5 seasons like all tarps.
Yes, this is standard practice for each product sold in that country.
Parker Hydraulics are in 55 countries and in 6 continents. They will come by your stadium the next working day.
Initially, the AWS RAPID will be manufactured at Australasian engineering manufacturing sites, but we also have plans for engineering manufacturers in UK & Europe, and in Asia and North America later on as well. This will reduce freight costs, which are not huge, but it will also be peace of mind for any nearby stadiums. Parker Hydraulics and local stadium maintenance will monitor as mentioned above.
See above.
Along with our main design engineers, Parker Hydraulics, with their motors and hydraulic engines, also monitor the installation and test it thoroughly. Parker Hydraulics will also work in conjunction with our electrical and manufacturing engineers. Parker Hydraulics will have parts and labour with sales and service nearby at all times, as they are in 55 countries/6 continents, 336 manufacturing locations and 13,000 locations globally.
Along with our own sales contractors also in numerous locations worldwide, your stadium will have an AWS customer representative and Parker Hydraulics available to call on at all times.